Employee Directory software

Enterprise Phonebook Directory softwareStand-alone web-based PHP/MySQL software
for easy access and management of the
enterprise Employee Directory.


  • Import contacts from .CSV file (using phpMyAdmin)
  • Ability to attach photos to contacts
  • Employee Directory is compatible with Windows Server/IIS and LAMP
  • Remote support for installing and configuring your server, help with Import your database
Minimum cost

Deploy the application in a simple LAMP hosting environments, shared or dedicated server. For using enterprise Employee Directory you need only a web browser

Responsive interface

Employee Directory is a server-based program (CMS) that provides enterprise Employee Directory functionality to employees through a browser, tablet, or phone, automatically adjusting to the client's device screen.

Easy editing

Add contacts, departments and enterprises in editor mode. Click any field to change it, use dragging to reorder items as you like

Flexible search

Search by any fields in the phone book and their combinations. Example query: "Elena Secretary" will find all secretaries with the name Elena working in your organization

Active support and features on demand

We are working constantly to improve the application, so you may freely contact us to request extended functionality.

send request

Access permissions

You can easily manage permissions for view, update or administer entire Employee Directory or its partitions separately with a login and password or specifying IP subnets that clients belong to


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